Monday 3 October 2011

there's s0metinx ab0ut life..

ella bellamy

stay at k0ta bharu
student at ipts
humble pers0n..
purlpe,pink n white
having in happy little family..
singing,smile n travels..
my life s0 dark wid0ut s0me0ne..

^life is very c0mplicated in the absence of human l0ved 0nes 0n the side..f0r me life with0ut a family like a bird with0ut wings...Im sure n0t t0 have everything if they're n0t 0n the side..they are is everything t0 me..that's my als0 felt l0nely with0ut l0ve..l0ve that is s0metimes difficult f0r us t0 interpret..hard t0 understand the true meaning 0f l0ve..but I believe that l0ve is very beautiful..if true l0ve is unc0nditional,I will take care 0f it pr0perly..they all menti0ned ab0ve is the s0urce 0f my success in 0ne day..  

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